Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Store Number Two

This is not exactly a great picture of the day, but it is the second quilt store that I visited AND it is becoming very apparent that this is going to cost me...plenty.

First of all there were more fat quarters...
And although they are not my usual fabric type, I absolutely fell in love with them.   But that's not all...

This set of charms - Chick-a-Dee - Chick-a-Doo - caught me as I walked in.   Just fanning through the fabric sold me...they are light pastels and remind me of a spring day.

But still, there's more...

These two fabric roles each had a piece of fabric I love...

I really like the top multi-color piece of fabric and the whole role was only $2...

And in this role, I love the flower fabric next to the last piece.   What you can't see in this picture is that there are gold flecks running through this piece.

And yet there is one more thing...

Wool roving in wonderful fall colors...

See what I mean.   These visits are going to cost me plenty.

And that wasn't all to my very unobservant mind...when the clerk checked me out we looked at the date...

April 14th...   April 14th!!!   APRIL 14TH!!!   APRIL 14TH!!!

I haven't done my taxes yet!!!   Guess what I will be doing tonight and tomorrow.   At least I have all the paperwork gathered.  

Hope you realized the date earlier than I did and that your taxes are safely on the way to their appointed places.

Thanks for stopping by...