Thursday, September 1, 2022

September 1, 2022

Well, it's the first day of September and we are still in our rented home in Cornwall.  The house is 95% packed in two pods...but...still no house closing date has been set.  

There is one problem after another each incurring delays in closing.  And right now, another appraisal has been called for so we are not even sure at this time if the house will pass.  It passed on the previous appraisal but with our luck...who knows?

I had hoped that by now we would be in the new home, setting things up and getting my new studio organized.  Now I am not even sure if we will be moving.  Finger crossed that things will work out but again we can only wait and hope!

I know that fall has not begun, but in my mind, probably due to the school schedules, I have always equated the first of September with fall.

I have planned out my blog for the next four months and it will be similar to the summer schedule, but in a different manner.  I will be offering crafts most days but each month will have a theme for journalling and each week I will ask a question for you to ponder.  And to help with that,  the thought of the day will explore further the weekly theme.

I have always enjoyed journalling and so I thought that I would share the prompts with you in hopes that you will also enjoy the process.  Along with that, on Mondays I will share how to make home made journals, something that I have enjoyed during this time as almost all my fabric is packed.

Tuesdays will focus on fabric crafts.  Wednesdays' focus will be divided between paper crafts and handmade pamper crafts.  Thursdays' focus will be divided between seasonal crafts and budget crafts.  And Friday's focus will be miscellaneous.  Remember, I do not blog on the weekends.

Tomorrow's blog will introduce the journal focus.  This will be in place of Monday's blog as it is a holiday and I will not be blogging, but will return again on Tuesday.  I hope all of you will join me in the next four months and enjoy the crafts.  Once we are settled and my studio is available wherever we are living, I will be including some video instructions as well as the still pictures.

One final point...check in on the goals you set last January.  See how you are doing.  See if they need some tweaking for the rest of the year, or discarded altogether.  If the goals are not part of what you life right now, there is no need to concern yourself with them.  You probably have more than you need on your plate anyway.  Remember the goals are about you and what you want to focus on.

Talk with you tomorrow...