Friday, January 17, 2025

I remember taking this picture outside of Macy's one year during their annual flower show.  If you're in New York City when the big Macy's Store in Manhattan has it's flower show (March 24,2025 til April 7, 2025) check it out, it's free!

It's already in the mid 30's this morning going to 40 tomorrow but it looks like we may get some more snow followed by three days of very cold temperatures.

 I'm happy I picked up my glasses yesterday as well as some grocery shopping.  And I stopped by Michaels and ran into a fantastic sale ($3 for a 12" x 12" mixed media book with card stock pages).  I bought several!  Normally they run between $19.99 and $24.99!  They had their Distress Ink packs on sale for $5 each!  These generally cost more than twice that amount.  Again, I bought several.

I posted all three prompts for A Month of Getting It Together.  How are you doing with these?  I am caught up with all but one...still working on contacts.  I put this together with a prompt to take care of something followed by a prompt to take care of yourself.  I hope you did not skip the prompts to take care of yourself because that's even more important than taking care of 'things'.

So what's on tap for your weekend?  I am going to relax and only do things I want to do...basically quilting and crafting.  I want to finish binding the small beach scene and then work on a larger project for a friend out west.  

I'm still thinking about that Word For...  I have settled on a few so at this point I am not looking for a word for the year, but rather a word for a month or longer.  I am inclined to choose a word for each month beginning in February.  

Speaking of which, we are already halfway through January, can you believe it!  If you plant a garden each year, it's already time to think about what you want to include...soon it will be time to start seeds!  You know, if it's not the fall holidays, it something else like gardens, vacations, spring holidays, you name it to get ready for!  Maybe there isn't a slow time of the year to just be and dream.

Maybe you have to grab that time for yourself all year long.  As a matter of fact, that's really a good idea...making sure that you have time to just be and to dream.  A time to forget about stress, to-do lists, work, volunteer activities, family responsibilities, etc.  A time to close your eyes (or not), sit and relax letting your mind dream.  Why not this weekend?  Give yourself permission to take that time.  I bet you will feel better, more relaxed and happier if you do.

That's it for today...

Talk with you on Monday...