Tuesday, June 5, 2018


So today was one of those exasperating days that basically let me know that my house buying experience really is ancient...44 years old...and things really have changed...make that CHANGED!!!

The majority of the day was spent texting, emailing, calling including conference calls with my lender and my realtor! I answered about a thousand questions, electronically signed about a thousand documents and drank about a thousand cups of coffee.  Yes, I am exaggerating but that's what it felt like to me.

And to think that we are only at the beginning of this process!!! I am looking forward, hopefully, to be the owner of the little ranch I fell in love with when we looked it over. But...BUT...I am not looking forward to the process to get there.  (A very loud sigh just escaped my body!)

I didn't have any creative time other than supper. I made something close to comfort food to me. Hot salad.

I began with a strip of bacon which I fried until crisp. After that I added about a third cup of very thinly sliced onions. After stirring them in the pan for about a minute, I added about three cups of mixed greens plus some left-over green beans. Once everything was thoroughly heated and the greens had shrunk, I added about a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons honey.  Here's what it looked like...
Tart and a little sweet, a great balance with the bacon and greens.

I also made an imitation crab salad with thinly sliced onions and mayo...

The two salads complimented each other perfectly. It was a great supper.

I plan on spending tomorrow in creative ventures but one never knows. I am sure that something else will pop-up concerning the house purchase! I'll let you know what happens...

Thanks for visiting...
Talk with you tomorrow...