Friday, February 8, 2019


So the house is in fairly good shape...all the holiday decorations are packed away and I finished decorating the house.  It will be seven months before the fall decorations come out!  I even managed to sort a couple of boxes that I have been hauling with me for a couple moves.  Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get rid of much.  But I will check them out once again after my upcoming trip.

In case I haven't mentioned it yet, I will be leaving here next Thursday on my way to Florida and then to the Gulf Coast.  I spent some time today setting up my iPad so I can blog using that device rather than bringing my computer with me.

The temperatures today were in the fifties and no rain...we had a ton of rain yesterday, though.  I am looking forward to the weekend to relax.  No house cleaning, no decorating, only enjoying some time doing what I want to do rather than what needs to be done.

I hope all is well with you and that you have a great weekend planned.  Be sure to spend some time on doing what you want to do.

Talk with you on Monday...