Monday, March 25, 2019


I know lots of folks do not like this flower/weed but I remember all the things we used to have fun with them when we were children.  So, yep, I like dandelions...

Guess what I did this past weekend?  Here's hint...
Yep, I went fishing.  Didn't catch a thing...not even a nibble...but it was so much fun to be out in nature just lazily casting my fishing rod and reeling it back in slowly.

Across the river from where I fished there is a tree with nine giant bird nests.  It's been there for three or more years and every year, birds occupy all the nests.

This picture is taken at Blue Lake.  It is a beautiful setting but unless you have a truck I would not recommend driving down the dirt road to get to the lake...

This was at one of the ponds.  I just loved the bare tree on the rock with the reflection on the water...

And the day would not have been complete without at least one of these little critters coming on shore...

I was reading a section in Julie Cameron's book, It's Never Too Late To Begin Again, about mentoring. I was wondering if older folks still mentored younger folks.  More, did the younger folk appreciate the mentoring.

I remember myself (eons ago) when I was just out of college thinking I knew it all.  It was a wild time with everything that was going on:  Racial Justice, Women's Rights, The Vietnam War.  Lots of marching and lots of rebellion but with lots of hope.

But there were a couple older and wiser folks that I did listen to.  One was my grandma who mentored more by example than by talking.  I learned a lot from her.  Especially compassion and love of everything and everyone.  But it had to accompany action, not just words.  So she made tons of blankets to give away.  And her garden produce was about twenty times what she needed so it was also given away.

Another person who mentored me was someone who helped me stop knee-jerk reactions...although I still have them (especially with the Barr letter about the Mueller Investigation - but that's for another post).  This person gently helped me to see that looking at a situation from all sides would be helpful in the long run.  They didn't expect me to change my actions or decisions but to help me understand that there is more than one side.  And understanding an opposing side is always helpful even when I disagree with it.

So, now that I am of the age where mentoring is possible, I am wondering if there is anyone around who will listen.  In specific ways, such as the workshops I teach, there is.  But what about general living and understanding.  Do we still value the experience and wisdom of older folk (like me)?  I wonder...but I hope so.

Thanks for dropping in today...
See you tomorrow...