Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Another bright, sunny day...a bit cooler than yesterday by a couple degrees.  No rain, though!  I shouldn't get too excited, that's coming tomorrow!  That loud sound you hear is me sighing!

Lately, I have been writing my blog in the afternoon.  Mornings are either too busy or, as this morning, after only two hours of sleep, my mind hasn't quite been up to writing.  

The trees and flowers in the area have really blossomed and brought color back to the grayness of winter.  And it's so nice to have the windows open to air out the house.  Kind of a wake up to the house after the long slumber during the cold months.  Yeah, I guess it's time for spring cleaning!

The one thing about spring for me is that I like to turn off the news or other tv programs and listen to music.  I enjoy listening (and truth be told, singing along).  Spring, for me, as well as summer, seems to have less routines, less over-scheduling, more options to just be and do whatever tickles my fancy, so to speak.  How about you?

The house plants have survived the winter and all of them need to be repotted.  I have to say that I am surprised...ivy and ferns never make it through the winter for me.  My green thumb hasn't ever extended to those two particular types of plants.  This year, though, they are still here and thriving.

And plans for the outdoor garden are well in hand.  I plan on working on those this week after the rain.  I ordered fabric planters which should be here at the end of the week.  I need to get the fence out of the garage and brought to the back yard.  That's a chore for SnowWhite...I'm pretty sure I can't carry them from the garage to the garden.  Although I have to say that I have upped my dumb-bell weights by a couple pounds.  

So, while not sleeping last night, I created another doodle...

That's it for today...talk with you later...