Good Morning! How was your weekend? Did you do something you enjoyed? I hope so...that and working on any plans you have for the upcoming Holidays.All the snow is gone...a bit of rain today and and then lots of rain on Wednesday...and it's forecast to be 59 degrees. I have to keep checking the calendar to make sure that it is December!
The football was great this weekend. The Oregon Ducks won on Saturday insuring them the number one college team. The game between Georgia and Texas was exciting...Georgia won!
On Sunday, the Minnesota Vikings won against Atlanta, the team where the former Vikings Quarterback was picked up. It was at Minnesota Stadium and I love the sound the Gjhallarhorn makes when sounded during the game!
The decorating in the upstairs large room is done. This room is used for exercising as well as a place to sit in relax and do jigsaw puzzles on our old dining room table...

I have also finished decorating the lower main level of the house except the large Christmas Tree. We put up the tree up and stung the lights during the football games on Sunday. That leaves only hanging the decorations and once that is done...the house is decorated. A bit late but not too bad.
There are still some decorations missing...probably in a box somewhere in the storage trailer which we are slowly emptying. My crocheted village for example. You can see one of the houses under the tree above. I have an entire village with houses and a church, school house, etc. It's actually quite old...I made it when the children were young.
Also missing are some very, very old small cardboard paper houses with glitter on them that my mother used to put up. I'm sure we will find them before next year.
Some of our decorations are quite old. The Santa, sleigh and reindeer on top of the lawyers shelves (middle picture) were made by the next door neighbors to my grandma in Ogilvie, Minnesota. I believe they are older than I am!
Today I want to continue decorating the tree in the living room, work on the mess in the guest room where I just junked things I wasn't sure what to do with and maybe wrap a few presents for local folks. It's a little too early to bake but maybe I'll try making some lefse which is a Norwegian soft potato flatbread. It's really great to eat rolled up with a smear of butter and a sprinkling of sugar.
Well, that's it for today...
Enjoy your day, get some things done and relax...
Talk with you tomorrow...