There's plenty for me to do right here though. We brought in the rest of my boxes so I can go through them to clean and organize. I've decided to open and sort the boxes in the upstairs large room and use my dining room table. That seemed better than putting things on the bed and floor in the my studio/bedroom.
Now that the holidays are mostly over, it's time to relax, enjoy the season and think about the new year and all the wonder that it will bring. January is a good time to do that...remembering last year and looking forward to this new year.
One of the ways I want to get the new year off to a relatively easy but promising new start is what I have called 'A Month of Getting It Together' which entails some simple thing to do each day. You will find the daily suggestions on the right hand side of this blog under the same title.
Another thing that we will be talking about are your resolutions or goals for the year. Most people give up on their resolutions by four months and only a very few keep them the whole year. I wonder if part of the problem are the types of goals or resolutions they set.
Well, I want to suggest next week, some goals that you may think are ones that are worthy of deciding to do. They are different from the ones that I have suggested in the past. And I really think they will be of benefit to you.
Finally, beginning next month I want to introduce a year of 'Saying Hello'. It will be an opportunity to discover lots of things. There will be a new theme to focus on each month with weekly thoughts to consider on that theme. But please don't worry that there's a lot of work to do. It will simply help you focus your thoughts on a specific idea each week.
Crafts will still be a big part of the blog. Crafting is an important part of my life and I hope that you also find time to enjoy a craft. I have been getting things ready to do all sorts of crafts from journal book making, to paper collage, to fabric collage, to crocheting, to...well, just about everything.
And along with crafting, I will share what I am reading...especially what challenge I am doing in the Ultimate Reading Challenge plan that was gifted to me this Christmas.
Well, that's it for now. Check out the Getting It Together prompt.
Talk with you tomorrow...