ch - chain; ss - slip stitch; sc - single crochet; dc - double crochet; tc - triple crochet
ch5, ss into first chain
ROW 1: ch3, 21 tc into center, ss complete row
ROW 2: ch 1, 1 sc into each stitch; repeat 20 times, ss to complete row
ROW 3: ch 3, 1 tc into each stitch; repeat 20 times, ss to complete row
ROW 4: ch1, 1sc into each stitch; repeat 20 times, ss to complete row
ROW 5: ch 3, 1 tc into each stitch; repeat 20 times, ss to complete row
ROW 6: ch 2, 2 dc into each stitch; repeat 20 times, ss to complete row, tie off and work in ends
ch 70, skip first chain, work 1 sc into each stitch, tie off and work in ends
Cut chenille stick in half. Attach crocheted handle to one end leaving about 1/2 inch (at each end) curl around the chenille stick and attach. Attach handle to basket by poking chenille stick through basket, bend in half and bring back and wind around handle. Repeat on other side. Decorate as desired.
ch5, ss into first chain
ROW 1: ch3, 21 tc into center, ss complete row
ROW 2: ch 3, 1 tc into each stitch; repeat 20 times, ss to complete row
ROW 3: ch 3, 1 tc into each stitch; repeat 20 times, ss to complete row
ROW 4: ch1, 1sc into each stitch; repeat 20 times, ss to complete row, tie off and work in ends
Cut a piece of fabric about one inch larger than basket. Turn edge and sew with a running stitch. Gather to fit and tie off. Place inside of basket, right side up. Decorate as desired.
triple crochet
single crochet
double crochet
Newsprint: 14 large page about 22 by 25 inches
20 pages about 11 by 11 inches
bone folder or something crease folds
white glue
protective sealer and brush
Fold all pieces in half four times, creasing the folds:
Weave the large together (seven strips by seven strips):
Secure with clips:
Begin weaving the shorter strips on one side. (Note: I found it easier to weave each side individually rather than weave all around with one long strip.)
Repeat on all sides and clip the corner top strips, pulling tight:
For the top strips only, pull to one side and glue. Weave the rest of the sides together crossing either under or over so the one side is woven into the other side. This is really easier to do than it sounds:
Glue the edges of the strips and trim if necessary. Glue a top strip all around the top of the basket. Secure with clips until dry:
Apply sealer if desired. You may want to paint it also, but I liked the way the newsprint looked.