Friday, January 15, 2021

Stencils and New Sewing Machine Attachments

Wow!  It's already Friday!  Sometimes weeks zip by and other times they seem to linger a bit longer.  I guess I am waiting for the other shoe to drop!

Remember the stencils I made using a glue gun?

Well, I was happy with the results of the stencils after using them.  I think I will try making more.  Maybe trying to make the strands thinner by moving the glue gun faster.

So, during the holidays I got several new attachments for my sewing machine.  I do not have a serger but here's an attachment that both cuts and sews the edge.  Can't wait to use it...

Another attachment I got not only makes the binding but sews it to the edge of the fabric at the same time.

And these three make different size hems.

Finally, I have always wanted a magnetic guide (which are really cheap!) but never got one.  Now I have three!

I think I will experiment with all of them this weekend and let you know how they work.

Thanks for stopping by...
Talk with you on Monday...