Monday, August 15, 2022

August 15: Summer Enjoyment

Thank goodness the temperatures are moderate...low 80's and dry.  And the forecast for the next several days is the same.  Although, I think we need some rain.  The rivers and lakes are down even here.  Not as much as out west, but still down.

So, the pods come on two days...and things are moving fast.  It began last Friday which is why I didn't have time to post.  And if the bank gets its way, we will be closing the week of the August 22.  So things are really going fast!  Just to let you know that I am sure my posting will be sporadic for the rest of the month.

However, I have begun planning for fall posts...something I can do when I take a breather from packing and cleaning.  Just a hint...lots more craft diy.

Today's focus is a question to ponder.  Here's the question...are you planning any major changes in your life and how are you handling it?

I guess that come from everything that I am experiencing!  Life really is going to change for place to live, new places to explore, new quilt group to join, etc., etc., etc.

I am looking forward to it.  Have no idea how things will work out, but it's going to be nice to be in a place where moving is probably not going to be happening for a long time.

Talk with you tomorrow...if I have the time...