DAY ONE: Schedule time for yourself every day and spend that time only on yourself, doing what you want to do. It can be as little as a few minutes to as long as an hour but make sure that it's 'you-time'.
DAY TWO: The beginning of the year is a good time to set up your calendar, either a physical one or a virtual one. Include important dates like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, vacations, school dates, etc.
DAY THREE.:Try fifteen minutes of relaxation/meditation. It can be as simple as listening to music letting your mind go 'blank'. Alternatively, think of something important to you.
DAY FOUR: Update your contact lists with emails, addresses and phone numbers. Keeping in touch with family and friends is important. Letting go of those who are no longer in your circle can be equally important.
DAY FIVE: Find that book you have always wanted to read and take time to begin reading it. Checking it out from the library saves money.
DAY SIX: Take a few minutes to update your computer, software and apps.
DAY SEVEN: Personal space is important for everyone. It can be as small as a desk or even a chair surrounded by things of importance to you. Or it can be your own room or even larger. Find a space that you can create as your own personal space and use it often.
DAY EIGHT: Remove clothing items that no longer fit, nor which you feel good wearing. Create a closet full of items you love to wear.
DAY NINE: Find a comfortable chair and read that magazine (or book) that you have been wanting to browse through.
DAY TEN: Create a place to keep your passwords. A small notebook would work to keep them written down in case your computer crashes and you lose everything.
DAY ELEVEN: Decorate your bathroom with candles and other spa items, then take a long, luxurious bath.
DAY TWELVE: Gather donations together and place in your vehicle so you can drop them off the next time you are in the area.
DAY THIRTEEN: Take the time to list all of the positive things about yourself so that you can contemplate all your wonderful assets.
DAY FOURTEEN: Collect your favorite recipes and put them in a binder or recipe box.
DAY FIFTEEN: Today, include some playtime in your something fun. Remember, all work and no play makes each of us dull people!
DAY SIXTEEN: Sort your medicines and supplements, discarding those that are out of date or that you no longer use.
DAY SEVENTEEN: Find your favorite DVD or CD, sit down and watch/listen to it without any interruptions or multi-tasking.
DAY EIGHTEEN: Check out your houseplants, repotting if necessary, giving them haircuts or feeding them some fertilizer. Move them to a sunny spot and be sure to talk with them while you are taking care of them.
DAY NINETEEN: Arrange to have 'friend-time' either in person or online, or even taking time to write to them (email or snail-mail). It's important to keep your friends 'close' even if they are far away.
DAY TWENTY: Check your emails and unsubscribe to as many as you can.
DAY TWENTY-ONE: Create a special ritual for drinking your first morning cup of coffee or tea. Perhaps enjoying nature; or, slowly listing things in your mind that you are thankful for. Think of this as a time to relax and gather yourself before embarking on the day.
DAY TWENTY-TWO: Clean and organize your purse and/or wallet. Make sure to include important things that you need.
DAY TWENTY-THREE: Take a few minutes, put your feet up, close your eyes and talk a short nap to refresh yourself. Short naps can improve your mood, increase your productivity and help you focus.
DAY TWENTY-FOUR: Some folks find creating a permanent shopping list for groceries helps plan shopping days. Create your own shopping list, make a few copies and try using it for a couple weeks to see if it helps for faster shopping and fewer forgotten items.
DAY TWENTY-FIVE: Tired of making meals? Find a new recipe, gather the ingredients and make it. Trying something new, even a new recipe, can be a breath of fresh air.
DAY TWENTY-SIX: Today, look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Think of all the positive things that you have done in your life, the folks who love you and whom you love, including yourself. The simple act of smiling always makes one feel happier and better.
DAY TWENTY-SEVEN: Do you enjoy listening to music. If you have a smart phone, create a playlist of your favorite songs, then relax and listen to some of them.
DAY TWENTY-EIGHT: If the weather is nice, take a walk, in a park if possible. Getting outside is always beneficial. Getting out in nature settings is even better.
DAY TWENTY-NINE: How's your health? Do you need to schedule an appointment with a doctor? Are you up to date with your shots. Keeping track of your health is a good thing.
DAY THIRTY: Now that you have had a month of Getting It Together be sure to continue getting it together making time for you-time each and every day.