Monday, April 8, 2013

What a Difference A Day Makes!

I've turned off the heat and opened up the windows and doors to let in the fresh air.   It"s actually 60 degrees here!!!

And guess what, I found more crocuses.   The first picture looks fake but this is exactly the way I took it...and with an iPhone, not my camera...

I'm not sure what will be coming up here, but it's grown about two inches since I last took a picture...

And the buds on the trees look like they are ready to pop open any moment...

So, how was your weekend?   Did you play hookey?   At least for a little while?   I hope so.

I went flea marketing...(is that a phrase?).   One of the places was really an architectural reclamation center.   Some of the things were so awesome I forgot to take pictures, but I did get a few of the smaller items...

I'm always on the look-out for vintage women's magazines and I was lucky enough to find some this weekend.   It's interesting to look at the pictures and read the articles...most of which are longer than our typical articles today.   (Wonder what that says about us?)

The same themes are present.   What to make for dinner?   How to save money?   What to wear?   How to make your home more appealing?  Etc., Etc., Etc...  And as I was reading the articles, I discovered a lot of very basic, useable advice and ideas that could easily apply to today.   Again, interesting!

And, of course, I love the covers...

There's a new weekly prompt up.    It's fun to think about so daydream have permission.

Thanks for visiting...

Enjoy yourself...