Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Wednesday's almost gone.   I'm just now recovering from last weekend's visit with family and friends.  I guess driving six hours, then on the go constantly for a couple days and driving back six hours does take a bit of a toll on a person.

Add to that the grief from the Boston bombing which harkened back to 9/11 during which I lived in NYC and the body rebels a bit,  just needing to breath and recoup.  

My mind would not work on much today other than a great book discussion with a friend and a bit of writing.

So, I just picked up my black markers and did some zen-doodling (Is that a word?)...

I see that I repeated the designs a lot.   Not a problem to me, I was operating on auto-pilot.  How do you unwind?  I find doodling like this is a great stress reliever.  

Tomorrow, I must do better...have to finish that writing assignment by Friday.   Guess you know what I will be doing for the next couple of days.   How are you spending the rest of the week?   On some wonderful projects I hope.

See you tomorrow,
Thanks for visiting...

Enjoy yourself...