Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mowing and Newspaper Yarn

Well, it was once again sunny, breezy, cool and perfect for lawn mowing.   If I thought the last mow after 10 straight days of rain was bad, I was in for an eye opener.   Today took twice as long.   The grass was so thick that about every two feet I had to tilt the mower up to let the cuttings spin out!!!  I think I could rake up the cuttings and have a couple bales!  Get the idea?  But it's time for rain forecast for tomorrow...

Remember the newspaper yarn?

Well, I decided to try making a basket.   First I folded six sheets of newspaper in half four times and the last fold was in thirds...

I then used a plate to draw a circle to indicate at what point I would turn up the edges...

Then, using the newspaper yarn, I began to weave...

This is just my first test basket and it's not finished yet.   I'll let you know how it turns out...

Here's today's Index Art Card...

Tomorrow - the car.   I hope to find out what's wrong.   They said to plan for a day long adventure (sigh)...sounds like fun.   Wish me luck...

Thanks for checking out  my blog...

See you tomorrow...