Right, I am back at my apartment. Remember when I told you that Lady J had a problem with her cooling system...basically she was losing antifreeze...well, Lady J really had a BIG PROBLEM. So big that I have had to wait until a week from today to leave because it will take that long to fix.
The fix, you ask? Well, for $5200 I could have rebuilt the top part of the engine. Not a great idea for the rest of it, though. For $4900 I can replace the entire engine with a factory rebuilt one with a three year warranty, unlimited miles. Duh...doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that answer.
But, it does take time so I will probably get the car by next Wednesday. Can you believe it? All the best plans, etc.
I really am hoping that I can get the car by Wednesday so I can hook up Duchess, have her tire pressure checked and Wheel Bearings lubricated and be on my way. I figure 700 miles a day should get us to Park City in time to leave for a week long camping trip...we'll see.
I went to a Chinese Restaurant this past week and the furniture they had in the entry way was absolutely breathtaking. This table, for instance, made out of a tree and its branches. By the way, it's a very large table...
And this carved bench...
And this ship...
Well, tomorrow I am driving south to pick up a grandchild and hopefully we will have some fun both before we take off and on the trip.
There's a new Monthly Thought posted as well as a new Journal Prompt. I was catching up on my blog reading and change seemed to be the main thought running through many of them.
I think of the changes my mother saw from horse and buggy days to a man on the moon! And then I thought about all the things that have happened in my lifetime - less to do with physical and technical accomplishments but more with social and cultural changes...some fast, some not so fast.
It's an interesting experience to think about all the changes in one's life time. I am both in awe of the changes that have been made and sad at those that are still stubbornly hanging on...but change is really inevitable...so...take time to appreciate and enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by....
Talk to you later...