Tuesday, April 3, 2018


I love dandelions. Many folks drench their lawns in weed killer chemicals to get rid of these little yellow happy flowers. But I love them. Remember when you were young, someone stuck it under your chin to see if you liked butter? (Or is that a midwest thing?)

About yesterday's snow. I found out that even if I didn't get much snow in my little area which is enclosed, there was a lot of snow that fell in this area. Some folks had up to 9 inches!!! But, it didn't last.

So, remember this from yesterday?

I liked it but thought that more was needed. Well, this is the beginning of that something...
I like that Love and Hope are the two words repeated...in just the right place. I'm not finished with it yet but again, not sure what to add. Maybe something in each corner? A heart? Well, I'll work on it.

I also began another one, this time with the blue hues...
I pulled out my stitch bible to look up different hand stitches. I am planning on adding those to each seam...in white embroidery thread. What do you think?

So, my exercises are continuing as well as my adapted yoga routines. Surprise how much more flexible this 72 year old body can become...even getting easier to get up and down on the floor. One of my favorite tests of my capability...along with walking several miles.

Speaking of walking, I picked up a pair of walking sticks before last Saturday and I used them for the first time walking to the lakes and do they help with stability. I will always use them in those conditions. I can walk faster and with less concern. If you find yourself feeling that walking is less stable, give walking sticks a try.

That's all for today...
Thanks for visiting...
Talk with you tomorrow (if I get back in time)...