Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Care For Yourself Means
Looking Within At Places
Less Than Fulfilling

So, those flowers in the photo above are still going strong next to the house.  They are big and lush and colorful.  

Today I went to the DMV to register my truck...spent three hours.  It was almost a comedy of errors.  I was thankful that I had an older clerk.  We had a delightful chat while working through all the problems.  It began with the form to exempt me from paying taxes as I purchased the truck in Utah.  

That was interesting in itself but then when she was finishing up with the main form she got to the bottom and asked where I got the form?  The internet.  How long ago? 30 days.  Well, it turns out that in the past 30 days the form was changed to THREE forms.  Talk about fine tuning a process...NOT!  

I offered to fill out the new forms but she said that it would be faster for her to do.  In the end, I only had to pay a couple hundred for multiple years tag.  And we both enjoyed our chat.  She actually had seen the program about one of my sons.

When I was pulling out of our driveway, I had a really clear look into the driveway across the street.  Lo and behold, I saw the beautiful red tree that graced the lawn last year.  It is just beginning to turn...
It's very overcast today...rain expected...so the color is not bright yet.  I also spotted this across the road in from our house...

We have rock walls on the yard.  This one is to the right of the house...

And this one is to the left...

I love the old front door even though it is no longer used...

And here's a close-up of the fall wreath I made for the door...

Yesterday's prompt asked about the half-filled glass...I have always looked at it as a glass half full.  Guess that means that I am an optimist.  Really, I am.  I always look for the silver lining, something good about a person or experience less than satisfactory.  Basically, I am a pretty happy, fulfilled person.  That doesn't mean that bad things don't happen...they do.  

For instance, when my husband died, it was hard...very hard...even with four wonderful children to support me.  But after taking the time to grieve, I realized that I was still alive and had a lot of living to do.  And I know that my husband would have wanted me to live it fully, as would I if the tables were turned.

That's when I purchased an inexpensive travel trailer and drove around the country for a couple years, stopping to spend time here and there.  That's also probably why I purchased SnowWhite, my truck.  I have always wanted one and as one of my sons put it...I wasn't getting any younger.  It was now or perhaps never.

So how about you?  Which are you?  An optimist or a pessimist?  And how does the answer affect your life?

That's all for today...
Thanks for dropping by...
Talk with you tomorrow...

Is your life fulfilling?  Are there 
areas where you feel something is 
missing?  Explore one of those
areas honestly.