Wednesday, January 12, 2022

January 12: Daily Routines

Do you every look at the trees without leaves?  Some of them are so graceful.  And then others are strong with branches stretching out almost to infinity.  And then trees with snow on them almost seem otherworldly!

Yesterday was a day to evaluate what your daily routine includes and whether it is what you feel is needed right now.  Remember, daily routines vary...what works today may not work six months from now.  So decide how you want your daily routine to continue, any changes, any additions, any subtractions.  

Play around with the ways in which you can change your routine to incorporate what needs to be done as well as what you would like to do.  It will probably take more than a few tries to get it right but pick one and incorporate it in your routine tomorrow.  

That's all for today...

50 degrees in NYC in the middle of January is just not warming?