Thursday, May 19, 2022

May 19: A Little of This, A Little of That along with a Dash of Crafting

Rain...went to bed with it and woke up with it...looks like it is going to stay around most of the morning.  Highs are only in the 60's but this weekend it could possibly break 100!  That's way to hot for me!!!  

So the owners of the house that my son put a bid on are going with the highest bid at 5:00pm!  My son decided 'in for a penny, in for a pound' and upped his bid.  Fingers crossed, but we will see!!!

Aging your journal pages is today's topic.  I created a page beginning with a piece of white bond folded in half...

Using stick glue (extra strength) I covered the entire page with a old page from a book...

The first item I added, I used a brown stamp on the edges to make it stand out and also age it...

After that, I added several more items including tissue paper with writing designs, pictures and a piece of brown paper bag...

Now comes the fun part.  I used brown, black and rose colored watercolors, a bit watered down so they were runny.  I did use a paper towel to soak up some water so that the paper did not get too wet and ruined.  I concentrated on the edges as well as splattered a lot of paint all over.  This is how it turned out...

You can definitely see the difference in the two pictures and if aging is something that appeals to you give it a try.  I especially like the splatter effect.  

Talk to you tomorrow...