Thursday, June 2, 2022

June 2: A Little of This, A Little of That along with a Dash of Crafting


Rain is back in force.  And, of course, I set out all my patio furniture just in time for it to get soaked - several times!  And humidity!  I have the ac on not to cool things off but to try and dry out the place.  And it looks like more rain is on it's way!

The house that my son looked at after work yesterday was not what he was looking for...on paper (the internet) things looked good - two complete houses in great shape.  But when he got there...well it was less that desired.

Today he is going to look at another house...this one is a bit of a drive from his and three quarters hours.  But the house looks great, as I said before, on paper.  It is in the middle of nowhere which is one thing he is looking for.  And we have homes lined up for next Saturday to look at.  One that I was interested in did not pass FHA so that one went by the wayside.  

I have noticed that a majority of the houses that my son is looking at have lowered their prices which is good for him.  And not just a couple of thousands.  The most I have seen is seventy thousand down but the average is around twenty-five thousand on homes in the three hundred to three hundred fifty thousands range.

Today I want to share how to make a mini journal...and when I say mini, I mean tiny...

Yep, that's a quarter and that's how small the journals are.  Today I will share how to make the pages and tomorrow how to add the cover.

Cut three one inch strips longwise from a sheet of regular bond paper...

Fold in half lengthwise...

Fold the ends up to the top as shown...

Now fold the two ends down and reverse the middle fold as shown...

Finally, accordion fold each area in half again, reversing folds as needed, as shown below...

Repeat with two more strips.  Then fasten the strips together with stick glue by interlocking the ends as shown...

Next, without using the last tiny page, glue two pages together throughout the entire strip, again leaving the last tiny page alone...

Finally, gather the pages together and clip using a bull clip.  Then apply tacky glue on the spine as shown and let dry...

Tomorrow I will share how to add a cover.  You will need heavy stock paper or thin cardboard plus scissors and glue.

Talk with you tomorrow...