Monday, August 8, 2022

August 8: Summer Enjoyment

Another hot one today...almost 100 but not quite.  And tomorrow is promising the same.  Not exactly the type of weather to encourage a get up and go day!  Got a few things done today but mostly worked on office stuff!

So, there's an unusual hiccup in the house...and it's not even with anyone currently involved.  Another bank has inserted itself into the situation not because of any outstanding money problems, simply because the inserting bank is greedy!  You simply can't make this up!

Monday's focus is a question to ponder.  I am going to make this question short and sweet.  Are you taking enough risks with your life?  By that I mean, are you doing what you want with your life or are you fulfilling someone else's plans for your life.  And are you willing to stand up for yourself and take control of your life?

It doesn't have to be a major and dramatic change.  It can be as simple as thinking that you are worthy enough to lead your own life and then taking steps to do that.  For instance, if you are raising a family and feel overwhelmed, then you need to ask for help.

If you feel your career is not what you want now, then take steps to look at other career paths and began planning to switch.

Things probably won't change immediately, but with a change in attitude on your part you will feel much better about your life.

Take some time and think about the question.  Remember, this is the only life you have, so make it the best life you can for yourself...

Stay cool...

Talk with you tomorrow...