Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 8, 2022

I don't think with the lack of water we have experienced this past month that the fall leaves will be as colorful as they were last year when this picture was taken.  But I can always hope!

It was sad to hear the news about the health condition of Queen Elizabeth.  My goodness, she has seen and done a lot in her life.  

The only news on the house is that the second appraisal was done yesterday but I have not yet heard the results.  Fingers crossed...

Thursday's also have two focuses - seasonal and budget.  Today, I thought that making 'mug rugs' was a good idea for both budget and seasonal.  Budget because it takes so little supplies.  Seasonal because you can make them for any season as well as a set for gifts...add a tea or coffee cozy and you have a very nice gift.

Supplies needed are scrap fabric, low loft batting or felt, scissors, pins, thread and sewing machine.

There are several patterns for mug rugs but the easiest is to cut a square (5 inches).  And if you purchase a set of fabrics cut in five inch squares, there is no need to even cut out the fabric!  For this mug rug, cut 5 inch squares out of two pieces of fabric and a low loft batting or felt.

Lay the fabric pieces right sides together with the batting at the bottom.  Then stitch around the sides leaving a two to three inch opening on one side.  Be sure to take a back stitch at both the beginning and the end.  I also take a couple back stitches on both sides of all the corners to reinforce the corner.  When finished sewing trim as shown including not trimming at the opening.

Turn through that opening and iron.  Then pin the opening closed and sew one half inch from the edge all around.  I used my craft sewing machine and you can see that it had difficulty with the corners.  Once the outer seam is sewn then sew the middle area anyway you want...parallel lines, outlining the leaves, etc.  

I used a white thread so you can see the stitches but I suggest that you use a thread matching the fabric.  You can make seasonal mugs with fall on one side and winter on the other.  Here's my rug mug...

Enjoy sewing a set for yourself or as gifts.

Talk with you tomorrow...