Friday, September 9, 2022

September 9, 2022

The second weekend of September is upon us.  As everyone else asks, where has the time gone!  

I am amazed at older folks who think time goes by slowly...for me it just whizzes by...without end!

So the first NFL game last night was not what I expected.  The Bills really outplayed and out scored the Rams.

Friday's focus is miscellaneous.  So there will be a wide variety of subjects from questions to things to make to whatever!

Today, even though it is early for fall/winter holidays, I would like to suggest that you make a calendar of sorts - one that fits your needs.  Consider all the holidays between now and New Year's Eve that you celebrate and have a part in from hosting to attending, from receiving to giving, etc.  Then make a simple form for each holiday including things that need to be done in advance.  

For instance, for Halloween, will you or your family be dressing up?  Will there be trick or treaters at your door?  Are you going to decorate?  So what you need to make a plan for has three sections:  Decorating, purchasing treats and purchasing of making outfits.

Think of other holidays.  Do you need to purchase gifts?  For whom?  What?  Do the gifts need to be wrapped?  What about baking?  Decorating?  Are you having guests spend the night?  What do you need to do for that event?

And one area that many of us forget is what are you going to wear?  Does it fit?  Does it need cleaning or mending?  Do you need to purchase anything to finish the outfit?

It may seem like a lot of planning, and looking at everything, it will seem like a tremendous amount to do.  BUT, remember you have several weeks to get it all done and wouldn't it be better to remember everything now rather than at the last minute.

And yes, I am making one for myself.  And yes, when I looked at all of it, there seemed to be a lot of things to do...but, again, I would do them in the long run and I would rather remember early than last minute.

Give yourself time to do this.  Make a quick start on each holiday and then add as you think of things to include.  One other good thing is that maybe when you see everything written out, you may want to edit what you do and give yourself a break.

That's all for this week.  How are you doing with your journaling?  You know, you do not have to always write it down, you can just ponder your answers.

Have a great weekend...

Talk with you on Monday...