Tuesday, April 2, 2024

How was your weekend?  I hope you had a great one.

It began raining yesterday and it looks like it will be raining the rest of the week with a bit of snow thrown in for good measure!  It's damp and even with temperatures in the high 40's, it feels cold.

The vegetables we started inside are growing large.  I'm used to growing outside where things are a bit slower.  Growing in a grow tent with light specific for growing does make a big difference.  

I wanted to plant some potatoes and green peas for outside yesterday but with all the rain the compost pile is heavy and wet, so I will probably wait until the weekend.  I need to pick up some more herb seeds so I can get them started inside.

I was reading another article in the 'Flourish' magazine about lists ('A List For Life' by Anna Hewitt) that got me thinking about how lists were used.  Most of us make daily to-do lists, we also make lists of things to purchase at stores, lists of books we've read or want to read, music to listen to and movies to watch, listing your goals for the year is a kind of list and a bucket list is one that caught on a decade ago. 

What I didn't know that the article referred to was that writing a lists down tells the brain what is important and what to pay attention and focus on.  I knew that making lists makes it easier to focus on list items but I didn't know that the brain actually reacted that way.

Another list the author suggested was an 'All Done' list.  In other words, writing down things that you have completed which will in turn help you understand how much you have accomplished.  

I don't write down an 'All Done' list, but I do cross off items on my to-do list which enables me to see that I have accomplished something.  And I just found out that blogs that consists of lists are popular.  Wonder why?  Are folks really interested in lists others make?

So what about you...do you make lists?  What type of lists?  Are your lists helpful?  Do you write down your lists or do you keep track of them mentally?

Any plans for the rest of the week?  I don't have any specific except maybe bring a few more things to Goodwill and maybe reorganizing the kitchen and doing some cleaning.  The kitchen is small and it gets messy easily.

That's all for today.  Be sure to check out the side bars for lots of information about a variety of items...