Do you use social media? I was on Facebook but after the CEO said there would no longer be fact checking and that extreme negative language against others would be tolerated, I have deleted my account.
One of the things that worries me is how many folks get their news only on social media. And social media seems to be full of lies, conspiracy theories and less than accurate actual news. If we are going to keep this democracy experiment, we need voters who both seek out and have access to factual news.
I managed to pack the upstairs Christmas decorations yesterday and completely empty and put away items from seven of the boxes brought in from the storage trailer. My plan is to finish up the remaining six boxes this week so that more boxes can be brought in this coming weekend. Yes, we are getting down to very few boxes, but they still need to be dealt with. There's still furniture in the storage trailer but I'm not sure how much we will keep. The house is fairly full.
Have you read Susan Wittig Albert's China Bayles Mystery Series? There are 28 books in all in the series. I am way behind at this point having read only nine, but I decided to begin reading her series again.
The series is set in a small Texas Town where the heroine, China Bayles, has opened an herb shop. The titles of the books are based on plants/herbs. There are some interesting characters like Ruby, China's friend, who is a psychic and owns a new age shop. If you're looking for a mystery author to read, try one of Albert's China Bayles series.
Another prompt for 'Getting It Together' is posted. Remember, all the prompts posted to date are in the GETTING IT TOGETHER under Pages.
Today I will definitely pick up my glasses. I keep planning to do that but never get around to doing it. I need to do a bit of grocery shopping also. As I only have one box of things to donate I will put off stopping there for now.
I'm still thinking about the 'Word for the Year'. Do you pick out a word for the year/month/week? So far, no word has 'tickled my fancy' yet. But I keep coming up with words, only to reject them. Maybe a word for the year is too long. Maybe it should be a word for the month. That may make choosing a word easier. What do you think?
Well, that's all for now. I've done 30 minutes of the exercise bike. Actually, that's the first thing I do when I get up. I still need to do the rest of the exercises (Core, Strength and Balance) today before leaving to run some errands.
Take care and be safe...
Talk with you tomorrow...