I am close to finishing the upstairs living room area. There's a large pile of recycle things as well as several garbage bags. The rest of the items just need to be brought to the appropriate rooms. There may be one or two more boxes/bins for this area to sort (that are still in the storage trailer) but for the most part, it's done.
The guest room is another matter and I hope to get to it today. Mostly, I have to figure out how to place the plastic bins to get the most out of the space available. There will be things (like the boxed Christmas tree) which will just sit on the inside wall until we find other storage space. But if anyone visits, we can easily move them out of the way while guests are here.
On another note, one more thing I would like you to consider about this week concerns your life purpose. Women, many times are not encouraged to think about their purpose beyond home and family. Thankfully that has changed, but not completely. So what do you think your life's purpose is right now? Remember this may change throughout your life but it's important to find out what your vision of your life is. How to do it? Well, consider what you like to do, what matters most, your strengths, etc. and go from there.
I had a hard time finding a toy to donate until I saw the cat's toys. They really only play with one thing, so I took a couple of them to discard. Today will be much easier. There are always too many things in the kitchen!
I was able to work a bit on the first signature for the current journal. The basics done but I have not added any ephemera. This first photo shows two pockets, the left with a simple tag and the right with a folded tag...
In this photo, I have yet to decide what to do with the left blue area. On the right there is a partial page on which I will attach a tag with a hidden paperclip. You can also see a notepad with plain paper to write or draw on...
Here I have a corner tuck with a tag and a side pocket with a notebook.
There's a lot left to do in this signature and then I want to add three more signatures to the journal. Slow going until I get the house settled! At least the boxes taken care of that are still in storage!