Friday, February 7, 2025

Well, the winter storm turned out to leave less than an inch of snow...but it did leave some icy conditions.  It's already 32 degrees going to 37 so I hope all the icy conditions disappear.

I almost finished...yes, almost finished...taking care of the boxes upstairs.  I  rearranged the furniture to have more space in the guest bedroom for storage; unfortunately, the cedar chest that I moved into the guest bedroom was full!  I wasn't expecting that so now I have to deal with everything that was in that chest before I can finish up...oh well.  Once it's done, that's the last time I will have to deal with it...right!  Well, I hope so.

Lots of things going on this weekend.  My quilt guild meets on Saturday on Zoom.  We decided to have a couple of virtual meetings during the winter so folks don't have to get out in wintery weather.  Then on Sunday, the Super Bowl!  Who are you cheering for...odds are that the Chiefs will win even though many feel that the Eagles are the better team.  

I didn't get too much done on the current journal.  I do have the papers selected for the next signature but haven't gotten all the pockets, tucks, tags and notebooks made.  Here's the first two pages with a pocket and tag on the left and a corner tuck and folded tag on the right...

Here I have a side tuck notebook on the left but the right is still blank as are the rest of the pages...

There is a side tuck on the right hand side but no tag nor notebook as of yet.  And the left side is still empty...

This shows the center pages...I'm not sure what to do here...

And the last spread has an empty page on the left hand side and a bellyband on the right, again without a tag or notebook...

So, did you spare some time to think about yourself this past week?  Learn anything new about yourself?  Knowing who you are gives you several gifts from acceptance, to understanding, to possible directions in life, wisdom about yourself and, yes, gratitude.  Remember none of us are totally perfect AND none of us are totally imperfect...we are who we are, a bit of both. But knowing who you are can help you recognize the wonderful possibilities for the rest of your life..

There are three days posted for decluttering...what, you thought I would give you the weekend off?  It's only a minute or two out of your day, so, take that tiny time to help yourself simplify your life.

Have an absolutely wonderful, relaxing and restful weekend...
Talk with you on Monday...