Monday, February 10, 2025

Well, the weekend storm left around three inches of snow along with lots of ice.  Walking outside right now can be dangerous so if you're in the storm area, you may want to stay inside if possible.  

Did you like the Super Bowl?  It was pretty one-sided.  A few of the commercials were cute and the half time show was unique but on a whole, it didn't really live up to it's hype as far as I'm concerned.

Remembering how we ended last week in conjunction with what you learned about yourself.  Today, I want to you think about your young childhood around grade school or younger.  Do you remember any events/experiences?  Tell yourself (or write) a very short story about one or two or those memories.  And then consider if these memories have impacted you in any lasting way.

I remember, when we lived with my grandma, walking home from grade school and being afraid of a large lumber building, especially in winter. My brother, who was older, told me that there were boogeymen in the building so I should be afraid.  I would walk up to that point, and then run until I was well past the building.   But I also remember around the same time, the snow being so high that we could have fun tunneling under it and building fortresses!  Funny what memories surface. 

So, did you pick out an object a day to declutter?  I did, one from each area in a box ready to go to Goodwill.  There's a new area posted.  If you haven't tried before, give this area a try...I bet you find at least one item.

I was watching a Junk Journal video on YouTube (Treasure Books) about reorganizing your junk journal ephemera and scraps.  I liked her ideas so much that I spent a lot of Saturday doing just that.  For instance, for stickers on sheets, she suggested taping the sheets down to card stock and putting them in a binder.  I did it for all my stickers.  Here's a couple of the pages...

Instead of rummaging through stacks of stickers, I simply turn the pages.  I put stickers on both sides.

The other idea she had was to store scraps in page protectors, dividing the pages into different sizes by sewing.

Well, I decided to take it a bit further and decided to divide the pages into several areas.  To insure that the pages were sturdy, I slipped in a piece of card stock.  Using a long straight stitch, I sewed off the sections I wanted making sure to backstitch on all beginnings and endings to secure the sewing.  As an added measure, I placed tape on the stitches before cutting the openings with a small utility knife.  The card stock prevented the knife from cutting though both sides.  Here are two of the pages I made...

Each section has an opening.  The top sections would always be open but the rest needed to be cut open just below the stitch line which is very easy with a utility knife.  Some pages are divided into six sections, some in four and some simply in half (both ways).  All my loose ephemera and scraps are in a large three ring binder, easy to find and remove.  A much better way that I had before...all thanks to watching Treasure Books.

That's all for safe, stay well & enjoy a day inside watching the snow and ice if you can...

Talk with you tomorrow...