Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trailer Chaos IV

I know, I's getting repetitive but I am getting closer to the finish line.   Today, once again, what I thought would take an hour, took a lot longer and it was quite revealing.   I installed the kitty door to the bathroom...

You're's crooked...I just prefer to call it artistically installed!!! 

But, what was revealed when I cut out the hole was that the door is made out of cardboard!!!   Not pressboard, but cardboard!!!   True, it is very sturdy and there's a ton of it inside the door (which is why it took so long)...but really, cardboard??!?

Definitely no candles for me.   I actually use the battery operated Fabreze pretend candle with the paper shade that emits a smell.   The look of a candle without the actual fire.   Just wish they had more scents.

I also got more boxes packed and measurements for the shelf that surrounds the plastic storage units.   I plan on getting the wood tomorrow.   Once that is built, I am done with the upgrades with the exception of bringing in the recliner and office chair.   Then it will be just a matter of getting things arranged.

Thanks for visiting...

Enjoy your evening and scatter some joy around...