Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Really, it's been a week since I last posted...really, a whole week?

Well, I guess I can under-stand.  The guild has literally taken over my life lately!!!

Our last second meeting this past Saturday went well.  We only have one meeting in both November and December, so that gives me some breathing room.

But, I have committed to working with our fabric donations chair to get things organized...think tons of boxes taking over one half of a garage!!!

Right now I have lots in my studio that I brought home to work on.  I was supposed to go back today but yesterday I was not feeling well, so I cancelled today but will be going to work on it Thursday and Friday!  And it will be two-three days a week for the next several weeks.  

So tomorrow I need to continue to work on the fabric I have here, begin to write the newsletter which I will send out on Saturday.  All this plus my own work!!!  Well, I will get through this...

Course, I still am on pins and needles (can't help it after the last election) until we find out who wins next Tuesday!  And who knows how much interference the WH will do in conjunction with the court.  Think I am suffering from election PTSD!!!

I have finally decided on everything in Duchess.  I was thinking of building in the studio but I decided that it would be much better to use what I have on hand instead.  My wire baskets (I have 16, each a cubic foot) plus the fabric containers which fit beautifully.  And that would be much lighter in weight than building shelves out of wood.  And I have light weight tables that I work on now which would be fine as well as light weight.  

So, I am taking everything out of the bunkbed area.  Then I can use some of it on the bed frame...again making it lightweight.  I am going to pick up the 2 by 4's for the bed frame this week...no more procrastinating.  Also, need to get some gas so I can keep Duchess warm when I am working in her.

The colors here are still quite stunning.  The wind hasn't taken them down yet...except the tree right outside my backdoor whose leaves migrate right into the exercise room!!!  Guess that's what brooms are for...

Talk with you tomorrow...