Monday, January 20, 2025

We have snow!  About five inches!  The forecast was between five and eight inches with colder temperatures that will be sliding downwards for the next three days and then moderating.  Looks like the forecast is on target.

It's bright and sunny (and quite beautiful) out, but only 12 degrees this morning with a high of only 21 degrees today.  A lot colder than we have experienced so far this winter.

So what plans do you have for this week?  Anything special?  Not too many days left in January, have you decided on your goals for the year?  You can see mine on the sidebar.

I think of my goals as something special to work at keeping.  That doesn't mean that I will not continue to focus on things like exercising, weight maintenance, finances, etc.  They are part of my daily tasks just like meal preparation, laundry and cleaning.

I am calling this 'Ephemera Week' on my blog.  Each day I will show you how to make a particular piece of ephemera for junk journaling.  Today's is called 'snippet roles'.  I have to be honest, I did not really know about snippet roles made with paper.  I was familiar with a similar idea using fabric, though.

To begin, assemble copy paper or adding machine paper tape, tacky glue, scissors, paper scraps and other decorative items.  I cut the copy paper into strips about an inch and a half wide and tape two strips together...

For the first layer, I use torn scraps of paper, inking the edges. To adhere the paper scraps, I used a small dot of glue...

For the second layer, I used scraps of different shapes, in this case, I used narrow strips, again using a small dot of glue...

For my final layer, I used other decorative items like stickers, stamps and other decorative elements.  I decided not to add any fabric items like lace or decorative yarn, but I could easily have added those...

Here is a picture of the finished snippet roles...

There's one more step...stitching the finished pieces.  I use a zig-zag stitch sewing two lines on the finished snippet role. 

Once stitched you can role these up to save until use at which point, you simply cut off the portion that you want to include in your journals.  (Note:  If you are not going to use a sewing machine to hold the pieces in place, then you need to use more glue to adhere the pieces to the paper strip.)

That's it...very easy and a great way to use up those tiny pieces of scrap paper rather than just throwing them away.

We're closing in on the end of 'The Month of Getting It Together'.  There's another prompt posted for today.  Today's prompt will help keep in touch with your friends. 

Have a great day...and stay warm, especially if your in the area of the country experiencing the deep freeze!

Talk with you tomorrow...