Friday, March 5, 2010


Well, I finally have finished the decorating - at least most of it.   It's too dark to take pictures tonight.   I'll take some tomorrow and show you my Easter village, and some of our stuffies...yes, we have tons of stuffies.  Now, I have to finish packing up the everyday things and put them away.   

Our guest room looks like a tornado went through it.  That's where I do the know unpacking and packing boxes before putting them away.   Can't complain, my office is worse.   I have never figured out why my office gets so messy so fast.  It seems like all I have to do is walk through it for a mess to appear!!! 

Speaking of my office, I am going through all of my magazines to see if there are any special articles or pictures I especially want to keep before giving them away.   I guess I am on a kick to simplify my things.   I realized that I have not really looked at the magazines lately, so why not share them with others.    I now get them digitally anyway and keep them on a portable hard drive which takes a lot less space.

While I was pulling out my magazines, I took a look at my books and decided that they were next.   What I have realized is that if I need some information on how to do something, I 'google' it and find what I need.   A lot of times with an accompanying picture or video.  I do that more often than looking something up in a book.  Does that mean I've joined the digital generation?   At my age?

I spent $6.00 on a three month subscription to a craft tv internet site.    So far I have found some very interesting segments.   A lot of the quilting segments are from Quilting Arts, but there are several other types of crafts.   (Wishful thinking:   I really wish someone would put the entire Carol Duvall Craft Show on line or for sale.)  

I also spent $2.98 for one ball of Aunt Lydia's Fashion Crochet Thread,  and $4.00 on some clear stamps.  $12.98 for the week.   Not too bad.

Have a great weekend....

Thanks for visiting.