Thursday, March 4, 2010

Packing Up the Decorations!


No pictures today...I've been busy taking down Christmas and winter decorations - Yes, I said Christmas decorations.  That and cleaning.   Plus I have been feeling a bit under the weather for the past couple of days.

Why am I just now getting down our Christmas decorations...well, if you knew how much we decorate, you would understand.   Also, I kind of have my decorating divided into three month segments.   December, January & February are Christmas and winter;  March, April and May are spring; June, July and August are summer; and, September, October and November are fall (or as we like to say, the season of orange).

Actually, fall is my favorite season for decorating and I have a ton of stuff, a good deal of it 'orange'.  Christmas and winter is my husband's favorite season and we have another ton of stuff.   Spring has quite a bit including Mardi Gras items.  Summer has the least amount of decorating which is good because we enjoy being out of doors. 

In between each season, I try to clean really well because, quite frankly, it is a lick, pat and a promise in between good cleanings.   That is, of course, unless someone's coming to visit.   Then I may clean a bit more.

Once I have the place finished - probably a couple of days - then I have to start in earnest with the backdrop for the musical.   I have the fabric, and now I have the design - basically hills - so it is time to get started.  

I will be making two segments that are 10 feet tall and about 14 feet wide.   The place was bigger than I remembered.   And then a third smaller curtain ten feet tall and about 6 feet wide to cover the center stage opening.  If all goes well, I hope to have that done in about a week.   I'll try to remember to take pictures as I am working on it.  

What that means is that some of my other projects will have to wait a bit, so you may not see too much of my fabric journal nor my mixed media journal.

Remember, I told you about seeing a flock of robins?   Well, when we picked up the car from the garage, I mentioned seeing them and one of the mechanics had also seen a lot of robins the same week.   He figured that he was just seeing things, but after hearing my story, he realized he probably did see Maine!

Have a great evening.  Thanks for stopping by....