Monday, April 19, 2010

How Do You Like The Blog Changes?

No pictures today.   I didn't get any new ones taken.   Although,  this evening I saw a really neat self portrait quilt done by one of the members of the quilt group I belong to.   I'll have to bring my camera next time and take a picture of it.

Today I spent my time catching up on paperwork - read that bills and stuff - and cleaning the house.   Unfortunately, my vacuum decided that today was the day it finally gave up the ghost and quit...for good.   So that means that vacuum shopping will be in my not too distant future.   I have a little electric pick-up vacuum and that will have to do for a while.

Frugal Friday Results...
Well, I know this is not Friday, but I forget to post my Frugal Friday results last week.   After only three shops, I'm not too sure I want to, but it wouldn't be fair.   I always post when I do good, so I really need to post when I blow it....and I really did blow it well!!!!

So, lunch out twice amounted to $14.31.   Three fabric shops I really have to...$113.31!!!!  I was even surprised at that total.   I'm going to try a different tactic for the next shops.   I think I will take pictures of everything I want to purchase instead of actually purchasing the items.   Then I will pick out one, maybe two items to get.   

That way, if I really want something, I know where to get it later on.    Think that will work?   I'm not too sure, but I'll try anything.   By the way, I didn't put my teas down because I really drink the tea regularly and figured that they came under the grocery category.

Well, how to you like the blog?  First,  I finally put in a new picture.   The three pictures I posted last time were nice, but they did not leave space for Amanda's Baskets, so I redid the shot with a little bit different layout.   I think it works well.   I also changed the margins and the though you can't tell.   I'm good at stating the obvious at times.      I was surprised that when I did make the changes, the entire blog was changed. 

I have been toying with the idea of focusing on one craft theme each month.   I will still do my Frugal Fridays, Pictures of the Day, and general chit-chat, but I thought that focusing on a theme for craft ideas may give my blog a bit more structure.  Also, I would then add the craft ideas and instructions on the sidebar available for download (as soon as I figure out how to do it)!!!   

At any rate, I'm going to give it a try for a couple months and see how it works.  So, beginning in May, I will be focusing on baskets...that seemed like a natural one to begin with...and I plan on having one craft idea a week.   I actually have them all figured out, but I'll wait and share them with you each week.

I hope you like the blog changes.

Thanks for visiting.