Thursday, January 6, 2011

All Things Crafty Thursdays

When I first started blogging, I focused mostly on arts and crafts. Well, crafting is still very important to me.   As a matter of fact, I try to do something 'crafty' everyday.  I'm not always successful, but I try.  

Fabric crafts and mixed media are some of the things I enjoy as well as doodling.  I also like to swap ATC's and Inchies. Truth be told, if it's crafty, odds are I will like it. 
So,  being true to one of my first loves, crafting will be a regular Thursday event - I think I will call it 'All Things Crafty Thursdays'.

On some Thursdays I will show you a 'new' craft.   Although, I'm not too sure there are really any new crafts.   Every time I think I have found one, I find that folks did it decades ago.

Some Thursdays I will share a neat crafting site.   For instance, have you ever visited 
What I really like about this site is that they offer free...yes, I said free...craft e-books that you can download.   And the e-books cover a variety of types of crafts.  If you have the time stop by this site and take a look.

I hope you'll join me on Thursdays for some crafting.  And if you have any suggestions, give me a holler and I will include them.

Thanks for visiting...if you have the time, stop by for a visit tomorrow and we'll close out the week with one more idea.

Talk to you tomorrow...