Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

at least for a couple days.   My grass is so long that I may have to use a sickle before I can use a bush hog to get through it!!!  

Another grey day - thus, another picture of yellow flowers.  

Inch by inch, dragging all the way, I am getting things together to put in the trailer.   Still cutting the fabric samples though.   I'll take a picture tomorrow and show you how far I haven't gotten!!!   Everything else that I am planning on taking is falling into place.  

I did have a treat today...lunch with a friend and her husband.   It was very nice even though I was late due to a truck with engine trouble blocking one of the roads.   (Who parks completely across a road so no one can get by?)   And the frosting on the luncheon cake was a bag of fabric know how much I love those.

One of the things I plan on working on this summer are fabric pictures - sewn, glued and using a fabric adhesive.   Should be fun.   I have lots of plain fabric ready to use as the base for the sewn and fabric adhesive ones and wooden canvasses for the glued ones.    Can't wait...

I have done some more doodles.   

Ah...I hear thunder...guess the rain is here to stay for today!!!

Thanks for visiting...

See you tomorrow...