Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November Goals...

It really gets dark early.   Five-o'clock and the porch light needs to go on!   Wow, a little hard to get used to.  

These are the plastic drawers that go into the trailer.   I have been reorganizing and deciding which things to take with me in the trailer.   

If you look in the picture below of the trailer, the small drawers are no longer on top of the large drawers.  I have enough large drawers to completely fill in both stacks.   The stacks of little drawers (there are two with eleven drawers each) will be going on the desk in the corner next to the window - side-by-side.

Once I finish deciding what to take, it will be easy to finish packing the rest of the items.   I have already packed the fabric which was the largest amount of stuff not going with me in the trailer from the studio/office.  

Why am I showing this?   Well, I decided to break down my November Goals by the week.   I think if I listed all of them at once, I would be a bit overwhelmed.   So, this week's goals are:

Finish deciding what to take in the trailer from the studio/office
Finish packing the rest of the stuff from the studio/office
Go through three boxes from upstairs large bedroom
Bring down picture albums from common room
Continue to take sort and pack stuff for Goodwill
Bring out half of my clothing to the trailer
Finish luminaries
Back one quilt
Sew one quilt top
Continue working on crocheted village

A lot to do, but I only have about five and a half weeks before I leave.   I do have a cushion of about two weeks if needed, but I really want to get out of here by the middle of December.

Thanks for checking things out here...
See you tomorrow...