Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Well, my allergies seem to be kicking in even stronger today. Read that no energy, eyes watering, sneezing and headache. I did get some things done but not as much as I had hoped.

I managed to make the blankets for the stuffies I made yesterday...

I also made some emoji stuffies which we want to include in the teen back sacks...

And I wrote up generic instructions for the stuffies and their blankets. I need at least 30 copies of each one. Looking at the above, I guess I was able to tick off more on my enormous list for the Empire meeting than I thought.

Remember this...

I added more embroidery to the piece. There's still a lot I want to add but this is what I have so far...

Well, the evening is late and the latest news drop on the administration which totally eclipsed the elections and the Iranian decision is making my head spin. I think I shall now go to bed and try to get some sleep.  Wishful thinking? I hope not...

Thanks for stopping by this evening...
Talk with you tomorrow...