Friday, May 13, 2022

May 13: A Little of This and A Little of That Along with a Dash of Crafting.

I woke up to rain this morning...bummer.  It was mostly cloudy today, a bit of rain sputtering on and off, and warm enough for me to pull out my summer clothes...a first this season.  I was hoping to finish my studio today.  I still have about two shelves of paper products to go through and that's it.  But my mind is basically fried right now with all the packing I have done, so the paper products will have to wait a bit longer.

It looks like we will be seeing another five houses this weekend.  One that we really liked had extremely high property tax and school tax to the tune of almost $1800 a month for both...more than the principle and interest.  But the other five look good and two look extremely good.  Fingers crossed.

Journal pages are the topic today.  Two or three signatures are what I want to include.  Each signature has four 'pages', folded in half.  The size page I am using for this journal is 9 inches by 6 1/2 inches with the nine inch length folded in half.  That will make sixteen pages altogether.

Now, you can use a variety of things for the pages from regular white paper to card stock (although I would not use card stock for all the pages.) lunch bags, envelopes, magazine covers, etc.  Your imagination is your only limit.  

Decorate each page with pictures, words, lace, trim, stamps, etc. but leave room to write.  Also, I would include on at least a third of the pages, pockets.  They can be like the one we made this week, or you can add envelopes or paper bags, or cut the page longer so it can be folded up, add a triangle piece of paper to a corner.  Remember to add a decorated tag of some sort for each pocket.  

I was going to show you the pictures of some of the pages I made, but I thought that it might 'dampen' your imagination.  And this is your journal, not mine.  I will share my pages next week and show you how to add them to your cover.  

So gather your supplies, engage your imagination and have fun cutting and pasting (just like we used to do in kindergarten!)

Talk with you on Monday...