Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September 14, 2022

Today was the first day in several without any rain in the forecast...good for my joints but not so good for the lack of water.

I went shopping early this morning to pick up some plastic containers and a few household cleaning items.  No, we still have no word on the house, but I am hoping!

The wait is 30 hours to pay respect to the Queen.  I was surprised at how many folks said that was very little compared to all that the Queen gave to the country. I have always looked at her as a stabilizing person on the world stage which she handled very well.  I know that there are negatives surrounding England's history but right now is a time to celebrate her life.

So, today's focus is on pampering yourself.  Do you use bath salts?  If not, I suggest that you try them out.  There are many benefits to using bath salts from easing muscle aches and arthritis, to helping with irritated and dry skin, to helping with stress and headaches.  And, yes, you can even use salts in the shower.  

The simplest recipe is to use one to two cups of epsom or sea salts in a regular size bathtub.  One cup for irritated skin, two cups for everything else.

To make bath salts:  Mix together:   Three (3) cups Epsom salt; One and one-half  (1 1/2) cup sea salt (Himalayan is pink and adds color); one half (1/2) cup baking soda; Ten (10) to twenty (20) drops of essential oils.  You can add dried flowers leaves like roses.  Mix together and store in a glass container like a mason jar.

This is just one in a ton of recipes.  Check out the internet for more.  

And, if you want to use it in the shower, add an oil like almond, coconut or even olive oil and make a paste with the salt.  Apply it to your body and rinse.

One other benefit to making bath salts is that it is really inexpensive.  Mix a large batch and fill jars with covers that you can find also inexpensively at yard sales or Goodwill.  Add some nice ribbon and you have a beautiful gift. 

That's it for now...

Talk with you tomorrow...