Monday, September 19, 2022

September 19, 2022

The funeral of the Queen today was a reminder of how much she meant to her people.  The crowds were large and respectful.  As I have expressed before, I wonder if we will be able to have an experience where all of our nation is united.

I moved the pods pick up to the last day of September just in case.  We have a possible closing date for next week but it hasn't been confirmed. 

It is warm and muggy today and rain in the forecast but tomorrow should be quite cooler.  

Dale has not been doing well but at 21 that's to be expected.  Chip on the other hand, other than pulling hair, is in good shape.  I think he is really stressed with all the boxes...he gets that way when the Christmas decoration boxes come out.  Once they are gone, he stops. The brothers are so different.

There is a new question to ponder for the week and thought for the day.  Monday's focus is journaling.  Last week we made a pocket page for our journal (picture on the left). 

Today we will be making a tag to go into that pocket and to make it a bit fancy the tag will be one to open.

First, cut two pieces of plain card stock paper that will fit into the pocket made last week.  Crease and fold about 1/2 inch on the long side of one of the pieces of card stock.  

Using tacky glue, glue that to the other piece of card stock so that the folded up flap is on the inside.

Once the glue is dry, cut the tag so both sides are equal in width.  Next using decorative paper (digital scrapbook, magazine pictures, wrapping paper) cover all four sides separately.  

Covering the back or front side with one piece does not always work well and leaves tears and bunching where the tag folds.

Cover the front and back so that it presents a pleasing picture but cover the two inside pages making sure there is plenty of place to write.  Also add words to consider when journaling on the inside pages.  Decorative ephemera can be added to the outside pages.  

When finished, punch out the corners and ink the edges if desired.  Check out the pictures of my tag...

That's all for today...

Talk with you tomorrow...