Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September 20, 2022

It was warmer than I expected this morning but I did work in the garage and I have about 90% of the stuff packed.  I want to finish tomorrow.

The city was trimming trees and putting the waste is the chipper.  It was so loud and noisy that it set off SnowWhite's alarm.  Had to run (well, walk fast) upstairs and get the keys to stop the horn.  It is really loud!

Dale is doing a bit better but I am going to take him to the vet to see if there is any thing else that can be done.

Well, contrary to their assurances, the appraisal/inspection is done and ready but it has not been sent to the bank.  And the title company is also dragging their feet.  I am not sure if our landlord is going to be willing to let us stay into October.  What a frustrating situation.

Today's focus is fabric so I thought that making a pencil/crayon holder would be nice.  I used two pieces of fabric and two sheets of steam-a-seam to give more body.  I folded the fabrics in half wrong sides together, inserted an adhesive (steam-a-seam) and used the craft iron to adhere the fabric together following instructions.  You can use any type of fabric adhesive sheet.  The small piece, finished, is 6 by 12 inches.  The larger is 12 by 16 inches.  The sizes will depend on what you are making the holder for, the number of pencils or crayons, etc.

To make the pencil or crayon size holders, first sew down one 6 inch edge to the back fabric.  Then place a pencil or crayon under the fabric next to the seam.  Use a ruler to hold down the space needed for the pencil and using a fabric marker that disappears draw a line in front of the ruler.  Before picking up the ruler, place a pin at the top and bottom of the piece to hold the fabric in place.

When sewing (I used my craft sewing machine and white thread so you can see the stitches.) push the fabric to the right of the needle as shown...

This is what it looks like when sewn...

Next pin the bottom of each holder place in the center and sew across...

To finish, bring the back fabric forward, folding it twice and pinning and sewing around the edge, adding two loops to hang...

This is the finished pencil holder with my drawing pencils...

You can make this without the steam-a-seam.  You could add a full size pocket in the back to add a coloring or sketching book.  You could make it without the loops and add it to an apron which works nice especially for children.

I made one using an old sheet (doubled for each side for a total of four pieces) to hold my Prismacolor pencils...all 121 of them.  When not in use, I curl them up into a circle that fits nicely into a large coffee can!!!

For more ideas, check out the internet.

That's all for today...

Talk with you tomorrow...