Friday, September 30, 2022

September 30, 2022

I didn't realize how late it was so this is going to be a short post.  

It has gotten cooler.  Haven't put the furnace on yet but I have used a small heater occasionally.  The sun helps.

I worked in my old bedroom today, cleaning it and the bathroom.  Basically, I emptied it just in case.

We should know more about the housing situation tomorrow.  At this point, I would just like to know one way or another.  Either we stay or leave.  

I have been reading a new to me author, Janet Finsilver.  Her cozy mystery series is called the Kelly Jackson Mystery Series.  Kelly becomes the manager of a B & B.  The first book is called 'Murder at Redwood Cove'.  

So Friday's focus is miscellaneous suggestions.  Have you ever taken a class on the internet?  The classes come in many forms and range from free to whatever.  Take some time and look around for a class that interests you.  

Some free places to check out are Get Set Up and Eventbrite.  Both have tons of free online classes.  Try something may get your creative juices flowing...and you may find a whole new avenue to explore.

Enjoy your weekend...

Get out and do some fall things...

Talk to you on Monday...