Thursday, May 25, 2017


Well, today is a wet, rainy, gray, cold day. Looking positively, we do need the moisture and the rain has cut down on whatever pollen has been reeking havoc with my sinuses. But it would be nice to have a few more warm (not hot), sunny days to enjoy. Looking at the forecast, tomorrow doesn't look promising though. I am actually back to sweatshirts, vests and jeans!!!

So, after last week's shoe dropping several times a day, I was hoping with the administration out of the country, things would be a bit calmer...ever the optimist I guess...but the shoes are continuing to drop. Even McCain made reference to a centipede!!!

I'm actually tired. And I am not sure if I am tired because of the weather or because of ducking shoes. We all need breaks...even from monotony...but unless we enforce breaks on ourselves, I don't think they will come with this continuing political season. What do you think?

So, I suggest that when the going get tough, and it's raining shoes, instead of the tough gets going immediately, let's all take a break. Regain our center. Breath a little deeper. Fortify our hope. And then get back in the game because this is one game we need to win in the long run.

Yesterday I went for lunch in the Bronx and took some pictures of flowers along the way. I don't know about you but I love flowers. I probably look silly because I always have a big wide smile when I see them...

Take a break. Read a book. Hug someone. Find some flowers and smile...

Thanks for visiting...
Talk to you later...