Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Can you believe that it is already December 6th?  For folks who celebrate Christmas, that means that packages need to get into the mail fairly soon! 

Well, my blog may reflect the holiday season but my home is still dressed in the season of orange.  I have been busy working on the Holiday Party for Empire Quilters.  I think everything is finally done and ready to go except the music which I still have to work on. 

I ran into a problem printing the program. I purchased card stock so I could attach the snowflakes and bookmarks. Well, my printer had other ideas and would definitely not print anything that heavy. Plan B included folding the card stock (as well as the program printed on regular printer paper), stamping it with a couple snowflake stamps, attaching the crocheted snowflake and bookmark on the front with colorful paper clips, and then applying glue to the folded edge of the printed program and inserting it into the cover.  Took a lot longer than I planned...but they are all done.

I have also finished getting the scavenger hunt lists made and in envelopes, counted out twelve different containers full of buttons and put the prizes in the cloth holders that I made.

Also found out that I need refreshments things like napkins, cups and plates along with soda. And table cloths...all are purchased and assembled into bags ready to transport on Saturday.

Now I can turn my attention to finishing up the items for Christmas. I am sewing four Christmas Stockings for family members. I cut out two pieces of fabric for each side and placed batting in between so I can do the quilting before sewing them together using Georgia Bonesteel's lap quilting technique.

Tomorrow I will begin taking down the season of orange and putting up the season of red and green!!!

Hopefully, I will be on track to blog regularly from now on...

Thanks for asking about me...
Talk to you later...