Thursday, December 7, 2017


This is one of the oldest Christmas decorations I have. It was purchased even before any children came on the scene. That makes it around 50 years old. I always have it sitting on the buffet along with a kitty and mouse purchased at the same time.  Wow! 50 years ago. Guess that makes me older than dirt...but I'm still here and active.

Today I finished the four Christmas Stockings that I mentioned yesterday. I quilted both sides of the stockings, sewed them together and top stitched. Before I added the bone colored cuff (it matched some of the flowers) I added a decorative trim. The only thing left is to add a loop for hanging.

I like the results. I did the quilting with a silver thread so it sparkles in the light. When I was deciding how to quilt, I thought about quilting around the flowers so I simply meandered all around the green areas and the result made the flowers stand out.

They are predicting snow for Saturday which means that there will be fewer folks in attendance at the Holiday Party...hope the forecast is wrong!

Thanks for spending some time here...
Talk to you later...