Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Today began with bright sunlight and it is ending with lots of clouds.  But I have to say that about 75% of the snow is gone from the yard.  And tomorrow is forecast to be warmer.  Course, my son out west just had two feet of snow 'grace' his yard!!!

One thing that Disney does really well is their fireworks display at the end of the day.  I managed to capture quite a few photos.  Here are some of my favorite...

So today was not too great a day in one respect.  Another of my sons who took his truck in to check out the brakes found out that somewhere along the line, someone (not him) put oil in the brake line.  The estimate is $3500 to fix!  Wow.  He thought it was something else completely and the cost would be around a thousand.  A bit of a downer to say the least.

I didn't get as much done today as hoped but I was feeling a bit more energetic.  At least until my son called with the estimate.  No matter how old, mother's still worry about their kids, adult or not!

I am tweaking my daily form a bit but so far I do like it.  I am a list person, so writing down repeat items everyday was frustrating.  This form eliminates that.  Also, I have limited the number of additional household chores to four a day only. 

Hopefully I will get to the important things on my list by the end of the week...

Well, that's it for today...
Thanks for dropping in...
See you tomorrow...