Friday, April 5, 2019


Sorry I have been changing things around here but I haven't found a design that I really like.  The changes will probably continue until I like the results.

Cloudy, rainy and bone-chillingly cold today.  But looking at the forecast for the next week, things are probably going to warm up.

So, I did forget one of the places that I visited on my Artist's Date.  The Dollar Store.  I picked up some containers to use for my container garden...
along with a box of wildflower seeds which I plan on scattering in the several flower areas of the yard.

Today, I have been trying to capture pictures for the etsy shop...
These are the four types I want to post for this piece...

Problem is that the only one I feel good enough is the last one...the close-up.  So I shall continue playing with picture taking this weekend.  My hope is to finally take some really, really good pictures to post on etsy.  Wish me luck.

So do you have plans for the weekend?
My weekend looks like a fun with camera type weekend,
Although I may get out and do a little fishing!

Be sure to take some time doing something you enjoy,
Thanks for visiting,
See you on Monday.